Submit a Project Idea!

Thank you for your interest in using MomentUM, the University of Memphis' crowdfunding platform. This application will evaluate your group's project suitability for MomentUM and a crowdfunding campaign. Submitted applications are reviewed year-round. Upcoming application deadlines are listed here:

Ad Hoc Projects

Accepted year-round

Fall 2024 Cycle Projects

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Spring 2025 Cycle Projects

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Please be aware that your group's application will only be considered if it has been filled out completely. Be as detailed in your responses as possible. If you have any questions, please email us at or visit our About page to read our FAQs.

Tell us about yourself


Tell us about your project

Example: Fogelman College of Business and Economics

No more than 5 - including yourself.

Crowdfunding relies on lots of small donations. Most goals are less than $10,000.

Take into consideration the fact that you may fall short of, or possibly surpass, your goal.

If there are no other sources of funding, please enter n/a.

Example: Parents of current Fogelman students

If there is no date in mind, please enter n/a.

If your group does not have any social media accounts, please enter n/a.

If you have hosted a project on our platform before, please let us know that here.
Have questions? Send us an email at
Our Crowdfunding Groups