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Healthy Relationships Fair

Raised toward our $3,000 Goal
9 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on December 06, at 11:59 PM CST
Project Owners

Healthy Relationships Fair

The Healthy Relationships Fair takes place the first week of April each year and is hosted by the UofM Office for Institutional Equity, the Title IX: Prevention Center, and SAPAC (Sexual Assault Prevention and Awareness Coalition), a campus student organization. April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month and this is usually our first of many events that take place that month.  

Unfortunately, college students are at significantly higher risk of sexual assault than people of other ages.  Among undergraduates, more than 26% women, 23% TGQN, and 6% men experience rape or sexual assault through physical force, violence, or incapacitation.  There are many theories as to why college students are more at risk (i.e. alcohol and drug use, acceptance of rape myths, a lack of knowledge of consent, etc.).  The purpose of the Healthy Relationships Fair is to address as many of those theories as possible by bringing in campus and community partners to engage the students in interactive activities that increase their knowledge of healthy relationships whether that be with romantic partners, friends, family, etc.  Topics include Bystander Intervention, consent, setting boundaries, resources available to students, and unique challenges faced by specific populations (i.e. LGBTQ+, women of color, persons with disabilities).

In April 2023, we had 14 partners including:

  1. Memphis Area Women's Council
  2. Navy Sexual Assault Prevention & Response 
  3. Love Doesn't Hurt
  4. Restore Corp.
  5. Choices
  6. Casa Luz
  7. UofM Student Health & Counseling Services
  8. UofM Disability Resources for Students
  9. UofM Victim Services
  10.  A Step Ahead Foundation

The goal for April 2024 is to increase to 20 partners and include additional space for students to collaborate, communicate, and learn more about sexual assault prevention.  For more information on the Title IX: Prevention Center and the work it is committed to on campus, please visit its website here.  For additional questions, you can email Regina Millen at  

Thank you for your consideration in donating to our event.  Your donation will help us obtain the following:

  1. Marketing materials such as flyers and t-shirts to promote the event on campus
  2. Door prizes and food to encourage student engagement
  3. Lunch and other materials for our student Peer Educators, campus partners, and community partners who selflessly volunteer their time to teach our students about intimate partner violence prevention
  4. Activities to increase student knowledge of intimate partner violence prevention
Choose a giving level


Level 1

This amount would allow 1 student to actively participate in the event by receiving a lunch or giveaway.


Level 2

This amount allows us to bring in two campus or community partners.


Level 3

This amount combines the efforts of both Level 1 and Level 2 and adds an additional student activity surrounding Healthy Relationships.

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