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Social Work Student Assistance Scholarship

Raised toward our $4,000 Goal
37 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on December 06, at 11:59 PM CST
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The Social Work Emergency Scholarship

The Social Work Student Assistance Scholarship is an emergency scholarship program that helps students in their final year of a social work degree program who are struggling to find the financial resources to finish their degree. The program awards one to three scholarships per year. 

Social work students have greater financial need than the average University of Memphis student. Sixty-nine percent of undergraduate social work majors are eligible for the Pell grant compared with fifty percent of all University of Memphis undergraduates. Unfortunately, some students will run out of Pell eligibility in their final one-two semesters before graduation and other sources of financial aid may not be available. 

For six years, the scholarship has been helping students successfully achieve their dream of a social work degree. To date, we have helped fifteen students with awards averaging $1000 each. Would you help us continue to support students in achieving their dream of obtaining a social work degree? Please give today!

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Thank you so much for your donation! You will be recognized in our newsletter and in our symposium program.



Thank you for your donation! You will be recognized in our newsletter, in the symposium brochure, and by name at our symposium luncheon.

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