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Orgel Educational Center Auditorium Seat Naming

54 gifts were received from 49 unique donors. Thank you for your support!

Leave Your Legacy at University Schools

The Orgel Educational Center is home to two of the University of Memphis University Schools - University Middle and University High School. These two schools will collectively serve over 650 children in grades 6 through 12 in a high-quality, collaborative, innovative, public school setting. One of the hallmarks of a University Schools experience is the high level of engagement and support we receive from our families, the UofM campus, and the Memphis community. 

We are calling upon all of our parent, family, and community partners to help us to leave a legacy in our new school home by sponsoring an auditorium seat in honor of a student, faculty member, staff member, or community member who makes a difference in your life and in our students’ education! This is your chance to forever be a part of the building that is shaping the educational experiences of our community’s future leaders. Help us honor their trailblazing spirits as school founders by turning those ORANGE auditorium seats BLUE! Every $200 donation will cover the cost of one reupholstered chair, and a naming placard to be placed on an individual seat in honor of your selected individual. All donors will also be featured on a plaque to be installed at the auditorium entrance. 

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