On Saturday, June 3 we will welcome the student members of our 30th GSIS class and of course; Blanche Deaderick, Ruth Dunning, Sue Gilmore, and Rejane Roe will be on hand to welcome them and work with them over the coming month just as they have from the inception of the GSIS program.
We want to THANK YOU once again for your generous donation to the GSIS 30th Anniversary Founders’ Scholarship honoring GSIS our founders, Your gifts allowed us raise over $4600 for the GSIS 30th Anniversary Founders' Scholarship Fund which will assist GSIS alumni to attend the University of Memphis and pursue further studies in our International Studies Program.
Please take a moment to check out the many other programs at the University seeking funding for a variety of programs through this on-line giving platform.
Best wishes for an enjoyable summer!
Sitting at $4300! Could we make $4500 in the next 7 1/2 hours? $5000? Thanks to all of our new donors and those who have joined the cause in the last couple of days!
Going into the last day of our funding campaign we are as close to $4000 as "fuzz to a peach!" We are at $3915, a mere $85 dollars away from the $4000. Thanks to our generous donors we're almost there. We have put out an eleventh hour plea to encourage gifts to bring us to a base of $4000 for an annual scholarship freshman GSIS alumni seeking their International Studies degree from the University of Memphis. What a great tribute to Blanche Deaderick, Ruth Dunning, Sue Gilmore, and Rejane Roe for their years of dedicated mentoring to our GSIS students as well as students throughout the greater Memphis and Nashville areas!
With the December 1 deadline looming can we secure $125 more to bring us to $4000? We are making one last push! We appreciate your generosity to get us here. If you know of friends, colleagues, or classmates who may want to give, please reach out to them and encourage a gift!
With ten days remaining, we reached our goal of $3500 and have a start to hopefully another $1000! We continue to reach out to GSIS Alumni and supporters to make a gift in tribute to our four founders and to advance the academic careers of GSIS alumni pursuing studies in International Relations.
We reached our goal through your generosity and we want to express our thanks!
Best wishes for a Happy Thanksgiving Holiday!
We are ending our third week of the campaign and entering the home stretch to December 1. We need just $200 to reach our goal with hope of going above and beyond. Thank you for your generous support. Please encourage friends and colleagues of Blanche, Ruth, Sue, and Rejane, who you may know, to join in making a tribute to these four pillars of our GSIS program!!
After three weeks we have broken the $3000 mark! Thanks for your generous help. Help us reach our goal by sharing our efforts and the work of Blanche, Ruth, Sue, and Rejane with your friends and colleagues!
At the end of only the second week of the campaign we have hit the $3000 mark! Thanks to all of our donors for recognizing the great work of Blanche, Ruth, Sue, and Rejane and the benefits of the Governor's School for International Studies! Most importantly, many of these GSIS students will be able to continue their interest in International Studies by pursuing a degree at the University of Memphis because of generous donors such as you!
One week into the campaign and we are just shy of the $3000 mark! Thanks to all of our generous donors!
We're less than a $1000 away from reaching our goal. Thanks for helping us help shape tomorrow's world leaders!
Thanks to the generosity of GSIS supporters, our scholarship fund has grown to over $2000. We continue to push on towards breaking our $3500 goal! Click here to watch and listen to one of our GSIS students tell about her experience and the dedication of our honorees.
Thanks to our generous donors we are nearing the halfway point to our goal! Everyone's gift makes a difference since the more funds we raise during our campaign, the more scholarships we can award to future GSIS alums in the years ahead. Thanks for your help in pushing us "up and over" $3500!
Thank you! As a GSIS alum, you can appreciate all the program has to offer and how Ms. Deaderick, Ms. Dunning, Dr. Gilmore, and Ms. Roe made your experience a special one. We will keep you updated throughout the campaign.
Thank you for your contribution. We will keep you informed on the status of our campaign and add you to our "donor's wall!"
Thank you for joining in the celebration! Your gift represents $1 for each year of GSIS. We will email you updates on our campaign and add your name to our "donors' wall."
Thank you for joining our party by making a donation. We will provide you with regular updates on our campaign and add your name to our "donors' wall." You will be receiving an email invitation to a reception honoring Blanche Deaderick, Ruth Dunning, Sue Gilmore, and Rejane Roe and their contributions to 30 years of successful Governor's Schools. We will also share with you news about our first scholarship recipient!
Congratulations you have been added to our "donors' wall" as a way of thanking you for your contribution. We hope you be able to join us at a reception honoring Ms. Deaderick, Ms. Dunning, Dr. Gilmore, and Ms. Roe for their roles in GSIS and their commitment to education and community service. You will also receive a note from our first scholarship student.