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Social Work Student Assistance Fund

Raised toward our $3,000 Goal
34 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on December 04, at 07:00 PM CST
Project Owners

Social Work Student Assistance Fund

The Social Work Student Assistance Scholarship supports students who are in their final year of a social work program and who have exhausted all other resources through financial aid. On average, social work students are five years older than typical University of Memphis students. They are also more likely to be first generation college students, Pell recipients, and come from families with fewer financial resources. Each year, approximately 19 students drop out of a University of Memphis social work program because they are out of funding.


The University of Memphis students are Driven by Doing and with your support to The Social Work Student Assistance Scholarship you will help students finish their degree and launch their career. Let’s join together and help students graduate!

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Thank you for your donation! You will be recognized in our newsletter, in the symposium brochure, and by name at our symposium luncheon.

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