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National Pan-Hellenic Council Plots

Raised toward our $7,500 Goal
128 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on October 10, at 01:30 PM CDT
Project Owners

National Pan-Hellenic Council Plots

Who We Are:

The University of Memphis' National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC) consists of nine African American service based organizations commonly referred to as the “Divine Nine”. Here in Memphis, we are especially unique because we have every organization active and thriving on our campus, with nearly 200 students actively involved in our community. We pride ourselves in scholarship, service, and quality programming. We hold ourselves to a higher standard and ensure students on our campus can see us as role models, while actively engaging in the numerous activities that we program for students. In spring 2019, NPHC won the Presidential Leadership Award for Program of the Year for the 2018-2019 academic year for our Black History Month Step Show. In addition, we’ve received national recognition from sites such as “WatchTheYard” for our creative flair, quality marketing, and genuine unity. Under new leadership we have been able to take University of Memphis' NPHC to new heights and we plan to keep soaring.


Our Mission:

The largest of the symbols of Black fraternalism on college campuses is the plot. Unlike chapters within the Interfraternity and Panhellenic Councils, NPHC chapters typically do not own housing facilities as this model of representation is not supported by the structure of the Inter/National Headquarters and local alumni chapters of these groups. Instead, plots are typically used on college campuses across the country to provide representation and sacred space for these groups. 

Our goal is to raise enough money so that each organization within the Divine Nine can have their own plot on campus, near the University Center and around Alumni Mall. The money raised from this campaign will be held in a University Foundation account until we raise enough money to create plot for each organization within our NPHC community. Any additional money raised will be used for continued maintenance of the plots.


Your Support:

The University of Memphis' NPHC community has been given the opportunity to obtain physical representation on campus, in the form of plots, but we need your help to make it happen! With your help, the NPHC community will be able to create and maintain these sacred spaces on the UofM's campus for many years to come. 


Choose a giving level


Tiger level

Support the creation of the NPHC Plots! Any donation is appreciated, no matter the size.


Grey level

This level covers weed prevention for one plot or one hour of labor to create the plot.


Blue level

This level covers limestone rock for one plot.


Friend level

This level covers the metal border for one plot or the white rocks for one plot.


Sustainer level

This level covers limestone rocks for three plots or metal borders for two plots.


Developer level

This level covers 10 hours of labor for the creation of the plots or white rocks for two plots.

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